Top 3 Scorpio Man Weaknesses In Love

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Scorpio has many wonderful qualities, but it’s helpful for you to know what are Scorpio man weaknesses in love so that you can understand him better.

When it comes to a Scorpio man, he possesses a great passion for the woman he loves; but that great passion brings some well-known issues. So, what are the most common Scorpio man weaknesses in love and what can you do to get past them?

Scorpio has many wonderful qualities, but it’s probably helpful to you to know what a Scorpio man weaknesses in love are so that you can understand him better.

So, if you’re interested in getting closer to your Scorpio man and truly understanding who he is, then it is very important that you keep on reading.

Top 3 Scorpio Man Weaknesses In Love

Jealousy, Jealousy, Jealousy

This issue has got to be one of the most difficult things to deal with when it comes to loving a Scorpio man. He loves so deeply that his partner becomes almost like a possession.

He doesn’t want anyone messing with what is his and he surely doesn’t want his partner to find interest in anyone else. A Scorpio man loves to flirt but you’re definitely not allowed to.

A Scorpio man will be jealous of almost anyone who has your attention or love. He doesn’t want time and attention taken away from him. This is sort of like paranoia on his part.

Jealousy is like a sickness with the Scorpio men. They can try to work on it, but it takes a very strong and patient partner to help him get past this.

What can you do? You have to stand strong and still be you. Don’t isolate yourself from your friends or family because of your Scorpio man jealous tendencies.

Tell him where you are going and with whom. Return at the time you said you would and if you cannot, message him and let him know why. This teaches him that you do what you say.

It may take him time to adjust or to trust you more, but as long as you don’t leave him hanging, you are doing the best that you can.

Being possessive and demanding really go hand in hand with jealousy and should be handled the same way. Don’t ever let him tell you what you can or cannot do.

His Secretive Behavior

The truth is, you’ll never know 100% of your Scorpio man. You’ll know him as much as he allows, but there are things that he will never reveal to anyone.

If you’d like to find the right way to make your Scorpio man open up and share his feelings with you, I strongly recommend checking out my Scorpio Man Heart Opener Guide… It will set you on the right path with your mysterious Scorpio!

The other thing is that Scorpio man always wants to know your whereabouts and all the details but he doesn’t want to do the same for you. He doesn’t want anyone to fully know what he’s doing.

This is a very natural occurrence for a Scorpio. They are secretive. They were born this way, just as they were born not trusting anyone. Due to this way of thinking, they do question everyone – including you.

With time and patience, this will fade out a bit… but he will never totally trust you. There will always be fears in the back of his mind that manifest from time to time.

What can you do when he’s being secretive with you though? You’re going to have to stand up and tell him that if he demands to know where you are going, you need the same respect.

You’ll have to basically teach him how you want to be treated. Tell him it’s not acceptable for him to be shady but wants you to be 100% honest and upfront.

This is a communication thing and he needs to be just as open with you if he wants you to stick with the relationship. Don’t let him get away with it. It needs to be totally clear between you.

A Scorpio Man Is Vindictive

The Scorpio guy is definitely the “tit for tat” type of guy. If you do something that upsets him, he may do something right back that will bother you.

It’s childish and it shouldn’t be something that interferes with your relationship.

If you don’t do what you say you’re going to do, he will want to do something to retaliate. The problem is, you weren’t doing it to hurt him whereas what he does will.

An example would be that you had plans with a girlfriend and told him all the details but then the plans changed midway and you didn’t notify him.

Now he’s going to get back at you by totally getting angry with either silent treatment or venting with his sharp tongue. Not only that but he will go out and not tell you a thing.

He will make you worry and get stressed about what he’s doing. When you find out and say something, he says: “Well you couldn’t be bothered to tell me your plans changed so why do you care?”

This is the Scorpio mentality. That being said, what can you do about this? You’re going to have to be careful about when you forget to tell him something.

When you remember, tell him you’re sorry you forgot to mention it. If you don’t trust me when I tell you that he will make this an issue even if it started as something really tiny.

You might also want to read:

How A Scorpio Man Expresses His Love (7 Ways)

Why Is My Scorpio Man Hot And Cold? Is He Testing Me?

Is Your Scorpio Man Distant After Intimacy? Here’s What To Do

How To Overcome Scorpio Man Weaknesses In Love

Scorpio men don’t play fair when it comes to love and relationships. The best thing you could ever do for yourself is stand up and don’t let him try to hold you captive or control you.

When you stand up for yourself, it shows you are to be respected. He learns, with time, that if he wants to love you and for you to love him, then he has to respect you.

This does come with time and experience but you can totally get him to adhere to a healthier relationship. Make sure that the tit for tat game doesn’t happen.

Scorpio men love revenge and will seek it out if you aren’t careful. Make him treat you the way you treat him. You can do this! Make him be his very best with you. You deserve to have happiness.

Don’t ever let your Scorpio sting you with his cold behaviors. It’s about time to try something that will absolutely work in your favor.

Check out the next section I wrote for you as I really think this will help you to get exactly what you want out of your relationship with your Scorpio man.

Here’s How To Emotionally Connect With A Scorpio Man…

Is your Scorpio man still acting hot and cold with you?

If you’re sick of him acting this way then you’ve got to set him straight… but how?

Getting him to open up his heart to you as much as he’s able is not easy.

But I have some really awesome news! I wrote another guide to help you to break through to your Scorpio love interest.

Learn what he’s really all about and what he wants out of your relationship.

If he isn’t sure about the connection that the two of you have, then make sure that he knows what he stands to lose.

You CAN get his heart to warm up to you but there are things you must do.

If you’re ready to give this a try then simply click here <<

You have nothing to lose except your worries.

Wouldn’t it be nice to rope him in and keep him with you for always?

Yes, of course, you would love to!

Get your Scorpio man to trust you, love you, and give you exactly what you deserve in a loving relationship. Make him bring real love to the plate.

Don’t lose him by doing the wrong things or not asking him the right questions.

Grab on and do exactly what I advise you!

Again, if you’re ready to take the right steps and get your Scorpio to warm up and love you forever, click here <<

Don’t waste any more time or he’ll run away to find someone else.

Take control of the future you have with your Scorpio lover.

You can do this! I believe in you!

As always, I wish you all the very best in love and in life, as you truly deserve it!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

4 thoughts on “Top 3 Scorpio Man Weaknesses In Love

    1. Hi KG!

      Thank you for writing in. That’s a fantastic idea. I’ll add it to my list. I totally understand why you would feel that way too. They are complicated critters that we love ever so much! Try checking out the other Scorpio man articles on my blog.

  1. Hello, as incredible as it may seem, my Scorpio man, already calls me his soulmate, and is very jealous, but I know how to deal with him, he already tells me his
    Your plans for the future, and ask me for my opinion on it,,?

    1. Hi Ana!

      Wow! It sounds like you’re handling your relationship with a Scorpio man like a champ. I’m so happy to hear this sweetheart. I also hope you find my information helpful in your journey. I wish you all the happiness you deserve!

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