Scorpio Man Horoscope for October 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how October is going to treat your Scorpio man? Check out the October horoscope predictions for a Scorpio man...

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Scorpio man for October. The year is racing to a climax, and you’ll be pleased to know that the transits for this particular week offer the scope for some intensity, passion, emotional connectivity, and there’s also a bit of good luck and spontaneity.

In fact, it is a rather stimulating month on a number of levels, and that’s always good for relationships because it means there’s a variety of energies that you can tap into in order to remold the relationship. 

What’s important as well, is understanding the power basis of the relationship, tapping into the subtext, the context, the hidden motives and agendas that you and your partner have, and working with those in order to get a better result.

So often, I feel people fail in relationships because they keep on a surface, verbal level without understanding what’s really behind the facade, what’s behind the words, and what lies beneath. I feel this is a great time to uncover what lies beneath and then shift your overall perspective of the relationship to achieve relationship goals.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Scorpio man this October…

New Moon in Libra – 2nd of October

The New Moon in Libra is conjunct Mercury, but for Scorpio Man, this doesn’t necessarily make him eager to communicate. In fact, these planetary activities may make him more secretive. Especially in the first part of the month, he may be hard to read.

If something is bothering him, he’s more likely to conceal it. Subtlety is key. It won’t be easy to understand him, and over-communicating or interrogating will push him away.

If you’re dating, and he’s not responding to your texts or getting back to you right away, don’t panic. Don’t bombard him with messages or freak out. Just check in to see if he’s okay and let him know you’ll be happy to hear from him when he’s ready.

Some people just need space, and right now, respecting those boundaries is vital. Less is more when it comes to communication, but be prepared to show compassion if he does choose to open up.

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – 9th of October

This transit is fantastic for tackling bad habits. If he’s trying to quit something or change a negative pattern, this is a great time for encouraging him on those issues. Hypnotherapy, psychoanalysis, or meditation can be incredibly helpful for him right now.

Whether he’s struggling with sleep, anxiety, or other health issues, the key is to address the root psychological causes and seek healing. This is a crucial time for a Scorpio man to take care of his long-term health, including his sexual health.

Getting to the genesis of problems, which may extend way back into adolescent fears and anxieties, can be particularly successful during this time. A significant amount of healing can be achieved by purging toxins—both physical and emotional.

Mercury enters Scorpio – 14th of October

This transit indicates an element of secrecy as well. While Mercury in Scorpio could cause him to open up and be humorous or up for novelty, its square to Pluto reinforces his need for secrecy and a poker face.

He’s really difficult to read right now, and as he may have concerns and worries, it’s best to take the foot off the gas—no pressure. Go with the flow and be supportive. He may be a bit more serious during this time, so try not to push any issues that may cause him stress or anxiety.

Venus enters Sagittarius – 18th of October

This placement promises passion, a depth of feeling, and a great opportunity for romance. There’s also the potential for gifting, treating, and spoiling each other. Let him know how much he really means to you, but remember, trust is key right now, so you need to let him know that he is the apple of your eye and you cherish and adore him.

Don’t leave him in any doubt as to your feelings. This is a great time to treat yourselves to some luxury, such as spa breaks, champagne, oysters, and anything indulgent. It’s certainly a great time for all those aphrodisiac foods.

Remember, quantity time and quality time are both important, so invest in the relationship right now with the time you spend with each other.

Sun enters Scorpio – 23rd of October

This transit, along with the Jupiter retrograde, signals renewed optimism, better health, and a new page being turned. It’s important that he stays proactive about improving his life, health, and overall well-being.

Show him you care by supporting his efforts. A few extra compliments about his physical appearance and some attention to his well-being can make a big difference. His birthday is coming up soon, so make sure you have something special planned. Even though a Scorpio man may not say much, he loves being spoiled.

Themes for a Scorpio Man this October 2024…

The theme of October revolves around deeper issues, what is unseen, and addressing the root causes of health, sexual health, and overall well-being. It’s essential to approach things compassionately and be ready to speak when he’s ready. Positive changes can help the relationship grow, and it’s important for him to know how much you care about his well-being.

Magic Motto: “Love grows stronger with patience, care, and understanding.”

Magic Text: “I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk or spend time together. No pressure, just let me know when you’re up for it.”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this two-week period is perfect for new activities, dating, relationship goals and starting any new projects. After the 17th, you have to capitalize on what you have now achieved, reflect and take a grounded, more than a dynamic response.

An excellent phase for romantic liaisons, dating, double dates, social activities and arranging parties. Suitable for his competitive activities and self-promotion. Good for entertainment and leisure businesses. Decisions in connection with children are favored. Favorable for date nights.


This is a not good month for large-scale group activities or for having a lot to do with friends or your social circle. It’s also a time when he should be more cautious about his use of social media. This is not a good time for friends with benefits relationships.

Joining new groups and associations for pleasure, work or political reasons is not favored. Major career moves and new leadership roles are not favoured for him nor are job interviews.

October 2024 Horoscope for a Scorpio Man (week by week)

Week 1: Poignant Magic

This week features a grand water trine with Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces, which gives the green light for romance. While a Scorpio man may be secretive and not always available, the moments you do spend together will be incredibly sweet and poignant.

It’s not about being in constant contact but about making those moments together count. Care, sensitivity, and appreciation are key to driving romance. You don’t need to live in each other’s pockets; just make sure the time you spend together feels magical and refreshing.

Compliment him on his physique. It’s a very visual time, so it’s also important for you to make an effort in terms of dressing in a colorful, exciting way that is appealing to the eye. It’s all about sex appeal and excitement this week, which is kind of interesting, isn’t it?

Week 2: Spiritual Path

With the Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini, mindfulness is encouraged. This is a wonderful time to support a Scorpio man’s spiritual growth, especially if he has spiritual interests.

Reinforce his faith and work on the spiritual side of your love and relationship. Understand the big picture and be compassionate. This week isn’t about being proactive or decisive, but about tuning into intuition and growing your understanding of each other through relaxation and care.

What he needs from you right now is consistency. You should show loyalty and whether you are in a new relationship, marriage, or still friends, it’s so important that you have his back. Show him that when the chips are down, you will stand by him and you believe in him. This is what is most important in love.

Week 3: Vibrant and uplifting 

Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, which can bring some disruption to relationships. If you’re newly dating a Scorpio man, now is a great time to introduce new activities, friends, or experiences to keep the relationship vibrant and interesting.

However, in a long-term relationship, tensions may surface, and the air may need to be cleared. Don’t be disconcerted by any unpleasantness stay calm and address any issues in a productive way. What’s key is spiritual insight—try to understand what’s happening in the broader context of your journey as a couple.

Week 4: Boosting 

The focus this week is on patience and being constructive. A Scorpio man may be hard to deal with, with mood swings that are difficult to judge. Sometimes he feels confident and affectionate; other times, he withdraws.

Try to maintain balance and give him positive reinforcement. Spoiling him a little and reaffirming what makes him unique will help boost his confidence.

When you see that he needs affection, move forward. It’s all about adjusting. Don’t take anything personally. This is a time where he feels a lot of inner tension and sometimes relationships can be a little bit demanding, whereas other times he really needs a lot of emotional feedback. So, play it by ear and give him the attention he wants


His optimism will potentially be renewed, and this is a great moment to support his self-improvement efforts, especially his health. Pay attention to his well-being, and be sure to plan something special for his birthday.

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini on the 9th signals a perfect time for him to break bad habits and focus on long-term health. Encouraging techniques like hypnotherapy or meditation could bring healing and help him overcome deep-seated issues.

The overall theme for October is addressing deeper issues and approaching everything with compassion. Focus on root causes rather than surface problems, and be patient with his emotions and needs.

Make your Scorpio man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Scorpio man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

I’ve created a list of challenges…

That will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

You’ll understand his deepest desires

And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.

Through this step-by-step, day-by-day guide…

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Scorpio man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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